Unlock the Power of AI for Local Florists

Discover how AI can transform your floral business with Lovingly

So does all this AI hype really matter?

We’ve all heard about AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Midjourney. The news is everywhere, but what does this mean for local florists?

  • Can AI actually help you save time?
  • Will it help you grow your business?
  • Is there a way for local florists to harness the power of AI?

At Lovingly, we believe the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

AI isn’t just for tech giants or large corporations. It’s a powerful tool that can revolutionize how you run your flower shop!

Ready to see it live?

Ok, let's walk through this AI journey together...

What does AI have to do with my floral business?

Don’t worry, the robots are not taking over! If you’re like many local florists we talk to, you might experience some of the daily struggles of running a successful floral business:

  • Not enough time to respond to all customer reviews
  • Feeling stuck when naming or describing new floral designs
  • Nervousness when helping customers with card messages
  • Uncertainty about monthly statement analysis and business growth

These are perfect opportunities for AI to assist you!

How AI Can Help Your Floral Business

What is AI really good at?

  • Data Analysis & Pattern Recognition
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Automation of Routine Tasks
  • Image and Speech Recognition
  • Personalization
  • Research & Development

Practical Applications of AI for Florists


Responding to Reviews

Your Google reviews have been collecting dust. You have many great reviews, but that sneaky 2-star review is haunting you. AI can take this off your plate completely.

Lovingly Reply natively integrates with your Google Business Profile and automatically replies to both positive and negative reviews on your behalf!


Naming Products & Social Captions

You’ve designed a gorgeous new arrangement and want to post it on your website and social media. But naming your creation and writing captions can be tricky.

Lovingly’s product upload section has AI integrated to help you name your product and write the perfect description. We also have a custom GPT for florists to help with social media captions and hashtags!

card message

Writing Customer's Card Messages

A customer calls, and it’s their 20-year anniversary. You know what to design but helping with the card message is daunting.

Lovingly offers pre-built card messages and a fully guided card writing experience. Our custom GPT can help florists write the best card messages for their customers.

Want to see it to believe it?

We’ll walk you through these examples and many more! Our AI tools are built directly into the systems to help you succeed.

Enter your information, and we’ll show you how to get started with AI or how to elevate your AI game. If you’re at SAF 2024, stop someone wearing a Lovingly Florists t-shirt for an immediate demo!

What Else Can AI Do?

The sky’s the limit! We’re continually adding to our suite of custom GPTs, tailor-made for florists. Here are some ways AI can help:

  • Order trend analyzer
  • Outreach helper for cross-promotion with local businesses
  • Employee training & management
  • Retail space merchandising
  • Coupon & marketing strategies

Lovingly Florist's Custom AI Library

Our constantly growing library of custom GPTs for florists is maintained here! Look for the Lovingly Florists logo to know you are working with an expertly trained custom GPT!

Get started today with Lovingly Florists!